I have watched pbs always.i have ordered from the catalogue.i will no lonnger do so.for the most part you have non stop shows that are black and hispanic oriented as if they are the only people that count.you are not impartial at all. The democrats have fermented hate and division for decades always claimintheother guy did it.communisim has now been illegally been put in to office. Biden is a treasonas lying crook You will never show that anymore than you did about the commumist leaning of obama.your like the rest of tv news & mainstream news.biased. all o care about is saving the rebublic from the lunatic left.personality wise trump lacks it but he is also the only president since tegan who has tried tp stop china from taking our country.the 1% who own facebook google & the media stole this election. I am done with your station.you do not give equal coverage For the most part you are to far to socialist left.trump is the only person who has called it what it is .fake news
President-Elect Obama Overexposed with TV, News Conferences, Adulation